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Hello my lovelies, read on and I shall keep posting. Much love, Tam

Friday 8 April 2011


So it is, Bombay

So,college it is. Yay! Im going to Delhi University- 4 close friends, rent out an apartment, stay together, have crazy nights- Just the perfect college life. Perfect, but only in thought.
When have all my dreams come true? NEVER! EVER! Thank you God, btw.
Sigh. So all my close friends and special people study in DU while I land up in St. Xaviers, Mumbai. To study what? Mass Media.  
Woah. Sounds grand,eh? Erm, come to reality. Join college-blah! FAIL. FAIL. FAIL.
Augh. Anyhow, things are improving now and college is better but somehow it’s not the education I wanted. Course at first seemed drab, very unlike what I expected. Few subjects and profs were awesome and some... well, forget it... its best unsaid. Anyhow, its college. Its best not to expect. During one of the first few lectures, a Prof told us... BMM is not going to do anything for you, YOU have to do something for yourself. I think it applies for every course in every college. Its no more like the education we would receive in school.

Talking about Bombay... not a strange old city for me. I was born here. Every school vacations I would land up here. Got plenty of relatives here. So, do I like the place? Erm, maybe, maybe not. There are certain things I like about this place and certain things that I dont like about this place.
      1. The fact that the city never sleeps
      2. Marine Drive (with the right people)
      3.That unlike hostel, there is no deadline
      4. NIGHT LIFE
      5. All the movies I get to watch (not happening in Shillong)
      6. The million coffee shops and places to chill here
      7. That I get to stay with my elder sis who is FUN understated
      8. All the restobars in Bandra
9. College, sometimes :)
11. The fact that I have few awesome wawesome friends here.
Ah, too bad I cant think of more reasons.
1.   Just when I think I've found a friend to talk to here, it all changes. So difficult to find a friend here. Hanging out with people and finding a genuine friend are two different things. I love having people to talk to and unfortunately like I said, just when I think Ive found someone, it all changes.
2.   NOISE- I hate it.
3.   The fact that there is hardly green anywhere
4.   LOCAL TRAINS- Where I literally used to get bashed up in the beginning.
Not anymore, ******!
5.   That I hardly have any company
6.   The homesickness that I have to go through here
7.   Days end so fast :(
8.   That materialism is central to everything here

In the next two years I shall come up with more reasons and update this post accordingly.

Anyhow, Bombay is sort-of beautiful in its own way :)

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