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Hello my lovelies, read on and I shall keep posting. Much love, Tam

Thursday 26 May 2011


Sawadee Kha!
Where do I start? So much to write about Phuket but its a lazy Sunday and its raining so I shall cut short the entire trip and then find my way to my cozy bed. Perfect weather to sleep.Nothing as beautiful as sleep, is it?
Anyhow, me, my elder sister Amrita and my cousin Bhvana Di decided to go on an "all-girl's" trip. First Bangkok and then Phuket it was. It was supposed to be a group trip organised by Adidas. I shall not go into the details of that. Remember its a lazy Sunday and its raining? Haha. We did not want to go with the entire group because that would be a little boring so we deviated from the group and did our own thing. The group first went to Pattaya and then Bangkok. We chose Bangkok and Phuket.

So Bangkok was basically all about the shopping. My elder sisters bullied me to death. I was made to carry the stuff around the mall. Haha. Trust me, being the youngest in my family is a big, big disadvantage. Bangkok had nothing much to offer besides the shopping, spas and a few other things. *smirk*

Post Bangkok, it was Phuket-- the much awaited destination. White sand, blue-green clear waters, speed boats, jet ski, parasailing, a million islands, beaches and what not. My favourite being jet ski and snorkeling. The coral reefs and fishes we saw underwater! Holyrockamoly! I cannot begin to describe how mesmerising it was. And yes, no shopping here which meant no bullying for me. Phuket were the lazy, beach side days and night meant partying. My elder sisters have stamina to be out partying till 5 am. Unfortunately, I get bored easily so I would usually be back to the hotel by 3-ish. Our hotel was near Patong... for those who know how Patong is, its crazy. It's this entire stretch of clubs, bars which open at 12-ish and shut by 6 am. Everything is alive post midnight and till then you can hardly see people around. Besides all of this, I also visited Siam Ocean World by myself. Siam Ocean World was totally worth the 900 baht. I saw the choicest and prettiest of fishes and different varities of sharks and penguins too. Ive always wanted to see penguins!! It was an experience that will be etched in my memory for quite sometime now.

Oh, I must mention that the people there are very rude and sometimes they refuse to entertain you just because you are an Indian. We had so many arguments and just because we were girls so many people harassed us there but then we were not the sorts to keep quiet and listen. haha.
At the end of the 7 day trip, we were so tired and we were literally dying to get back. Home is home afterall. Stoped by at Calcutta and from there I came back to Shillong and both my sisters went back to Mumbai.
What a trip it was! Ive never had so much fun in my entire life. All the time we were out in the city, we've had an amazing time and whenever we were back in the hotel room we spent our time laughing over what happened in the day and made random jokes about the way thai people spoke... they have a funny, nasal tone that cracked us up many a times. 

 Planning another one to Koh-Samui and Bali soon. Anyone wants to come along? :P

P.S- Here are some pictures of the trip that was. Most of the pictures are taken from my phone so pardon the poor quality.

Details of the trip soon, cozy bed calling now. Ciao.

Phi Phi Islands

Again, Phi Phi Islands

Thats me :D

Elder sister, Amrita Mordani

Cousin sister, Bhavna Mordani. A mother of two. Looks like? HELL NO!

Love the colour of the water

Where I could prolly spend a lifetime

Heavenly Thai Spa's

Crazy Party at The Tiger, Patong. This happens to be the best club in Phuket.

Setting Sun

Thai Spa Room's

At Patong beach :D

The POOL where we spent hours chilling

Yours truly and sister at the pool. Good times =)


  1. what are you doing in phuket, its a place to be with the guy my darling and enjoy pleasures of youth
