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Hello my lovelies, read on and I shall keep posting. Much love, Tam

Thursday 26 May 2011


For those who don't know who Shivaan is, he happens to be my darling newphew.Shivaan was born to my eldest sister, Honey (Hanisha) and her husband Shakti. This little Monkey joined us on 9th of January. I was in Bombay then and though end-sem exams were coming up, it was nothing compared to the birth of this little bundle of joy. Unfortunately due to birth comlications and mis-calculation of his due date, my elder sister and I missed his birth by a day and reached a day later and yes, we still regret that.

Even then, we could only stay for 3 days and then again we had to rush back to Bombay. My elder sister had her work on and I had exams. Sigh. 3 days! For the next 2 months, we managed by using up the memories from the 3 days that we spent with him and from the pictures that Honey kept sending us. Now that I am home, I make sure that I see him atleast once in the day. He is the cutest thing that I have ever, EVER seen. His tiny little hands and feet and his hazel eyes remind me of his innocence everytime I see him. His cheeks are like candyfloss! and when he laughs...sigh... time stops for all of us! Also, did I mention that he cries like a kitten? No kidding. It's so hard to believe that someone as cute as him can even exist. Sometimes, its just too good to be true. I can be gloomy as hell and all I need is one glance of this brat.

My! He sure is going to be one stud when he grows up!

Posting a few pictures of my little darling but even these pics are not enough for a cutiepie like him. He's the only one I can sacrifice my precious sleep for and he's the only one for whom I can wake up at 6 am. Yes, even on a holiday. haha.


Imma be a rapper. HAHA.

Wearing his Rolling Stones T-Shirt. My rockstar.

Tiny fingers and cute little hands that I die to hold

 he look cuter as a girl :D

One of his many adorable shoes

He's either laughing or about to cry. I forgot what it was

He looks even more adorable when he sleeps. You can actually sit and watch him for hours when he sleeps.

The cutest hands I've ever held

Made in Great Britain. Haha. I love this one which is why I bought him this.

Showing attitude. That also like me.

Loves laughing. Just like me.

My Little Monkey

His cheeks are like cotton candy and marshmallows

When he was just one day old

My Cutie Pie

The most innocent pair of eyes I have ever seen


Shivaan's wardrobe. Even I dont have one. Sigh.

Tch Tch. Blackberry addiction from now only, love?

Everyone's little star

Pretending to think, eh?


  1. Awwwww. :) I can't wait to meet this li'l cute fellow. :)

  2. you forgot to caption the last one.
    also, that smile.. i think it means.. "about to pee"
