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Hello my lovelies, read on and I shall keep posting. Much love, Tam

Saturday 11 June 2011

 "What is the need for marriage"
I give you a minute to think, you can jot down points if you want.
30 seconds...
Think again.
Another 30 seconds gone.
No sensible answer yet? Tch tch. Much expected.

Personally, I do not believe in the concept of marriage. According to me, it is a defunct institution. Specially, yes, SPECIALLY, in the Indian system.
Why is our Indian Society tied down by such norms that hardly make any logical sense. You turn 24-25 and everyone starts harassing you for marriage. WHY?
I mean I do understand your concern for the world ending in 2010 and all of that but just relax. Breathe.No one is dying yet.

My cousin brother is 31 years old and he is still a bachelor. You think thats a tragedy? You think he's sitting at home and crying for a wife? Hell No! He is having a jolly good time. He has a life that every man would die for.
Also, within the fact that marriage is a defunct institution, lies the core problem of it being biased. In our country, almost all the marriage systems in the communitites are biased towards the "MEN" and "WOMEN" sacrifice on practically everything.

Unlike what most think, a happy woman is one who can exercise all kinds of rights- from the right to wear what she wants to the right of job, private property, privacy and at the same time she could feel loved for exercising her rights. A part of her happiness was to be loved by a man. Now, thats where we all get it wrong. Being loved by a man is a "part" of her happiness and not her happiness as a whole. Before she gets ample time to discover herself and what she really wants in life, she is dragged into the whole commitment of marriage. Many a times, in this entire process she loses her identity and post- marriage, she decides to just do the usual household chores and then, THATS IT.

Oh, and I specially hate hyprocrital men and in-laws who tell her what she can do after marriage and set guidelines for her, what she can wear, what she can do et al.
EXCUSE ME, JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO DO THAT? You are no one in this whole wide world to set rules that curb her freedom. Unless you set such similiar guidelines for your ownself then dont EVER, EVER make the mistake of doing the same for her. She aint your cook nor is she your door mat. You should willingly be hers infact.

Also, speaking specifically about women, 40 years after the feminist movement helped in establishing woman rights in the workplace, a generation after the divorce rate peaked and a decade after singledom was considered "chic", marriage is no longer considered necessary.The two of you may be educated, young, professionals, committed to our careers so where does marriage come in between. You may be in a relationship but legally tying down those unions wont make them or break them.
I am also reminded of Dowry. No, no dont shun the topic away. Thats like being an escapist and pretending like everything is perfect. Truth be told, dowry still exists. Its like stealing money in the name of marriage. More like theft. Here is the link to a disgusting and stupid application which i stumbled upon. It's called:
*drumroll followed by my angry face*

"The Dowry Calculator"

Quoting my dad, "Marriage in India is a FLOP SHOW". Live-in relationships work better because there is not a written and coded sense of permancy to it and you can move out it whenever you want without getting involved in the whole divorce fracas. Even on our "idiot box", Weddings are the subject of at least a dozen of reality shows proving that it is nothing short of a gimmick best suited only for scripted reality shows.

Its not that I am closed to the idea of falling in love or being in a relationship but then when you think of it practically, there is no such need to spend your whole goddamn life with a man; or a woman for that matter. Okay, let me not be overtly practical. If it has to happen, it will happen. I am referring to those who forcefully jump into hell, I mean marriage and later land up regretting. Why regret? Just dont take the decision itself, non?

Happily married is now one of the most contradictory terms prevailing. So, all you unmarried lucky women and maybe men too, take a U-turn.

You still have time.