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Hello my lovelies, read on and I shall keep posting. Much love, Tam

Saturday 11 June 2011

 "What is the need for marriage"
I give you a minute to think, you can jot down points if you want.
30 seconds...
Think again.
Another 30 seconds gone.
No sensible answer yet? Tch tch. Much expected.

Personally, I do not believe in the concept of marriage. According to me, it is a defunct institution. Specially, yes, SPECIALLY, in the Indian system.
Why is our Indian Society tied down by such norms that hardly make any logical sense. You turn 24-25 and everyone starts harassing you for marriage. WHY?
I mean I do understand your concern for the world ending in 2010 and all of that but just relax. Breathe.No one is dying yet.

My cousin brother is 31 years old and he is still a bachelor. You think thats a tragedy? You think he's sitting at home and crying for a wife? Hell No! He is having a jolly good time. He has a life that every man would die for.
Also, within the fact that marriage is a defunct institution, lies the core problem of it being biased. In our country, almost all the marriage systems in the communitites are biased towards the "MEN" and "WOMEN" sacrifice on practically everything.

Unlike what most think, a happy woman is one who can exercise all kinds of rights- from the right to wear what she wants to the right of job, private property, privacy and at the same time she could feel loved for exercising her rights. A part of her happiness was to be loved by a man. Now, thats where we all get it wrong. Being loved by a man is a "part" of her happiness and not her happiness as a whole. Before she gets ample time to discover herself and what she really wants in life, she is dragged into the whole commitment of marriage. Many a times, in this entire process she loses her identity and post- marriage, she decides to just do the usual household chores and then, THATS IT.

Oh, and I specially hate hyprocrital men and in-laws who tell her what she can do after marriage and set guidelines for her, what she can wear, what she can do et al.
EXCUSE ME, JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO DO THAT? You are no one in this whole wide world to set rules that curb her freedom. Unless you set such similiar guidelines for your ownself then dont EVER, EVER make the mistake of doing the same for her. She aint your cook nor is she your door mat. You should willingly be hers infact.

Also, speaking specifically about women, 40 years after the feminist movement helped in establishing woman rights in the workplace, a generation after the divorce rate peaked and a decade after singledom was considered "chic", marriage is no longer considered necessary.The two of you may be educated, young, professionals, committed to our careers so where does marriage come in between. You may be in a relationship but legally tying down those unions wont make them or break them.
I am also reminded of Dowry. No, no dont shun the topic away. Thats like being an escapist and pretending like everything is perfect. Truth be told, dowry still exists. Its like stealing money in the name of marriage. More like theft. Here is the link to a disgusting and stupid application which i stumbled upon. It's called:
*drumroll followed by my angry face*

"The Dowry Calculator"

Quoting my dad, "Marriage in India is a FLOP SHOW". Live-in relationships work better because there is not a written and coded sense of permancy to it and you can move out it whenever you want without getting involved in the whole divorce fracas. Even on our "idiot box", Weddings are the subject of at least a dozen of reality shows proving that it is nothing short of a gimmick best suited only for scripted reality shows.

Its not that I am closed to the idea of falling in love or being in a relationship but then when you think of it practically, there is no such need to spend your whole goddamn life with a man; or a woman for that matter. Okay, let me not be overtly practical. If it has to happen, it will happen. I am referring to those who forcefully jump into hell, I mean marriage and later land up regretting. Why regret? Just dont take the decision itself, non?

Happily married is now one of the most contradictory terms prevailing. So, all you unmarried lucky women and maybe men too, take a U-turn.

You still have time.

Tuesday 31 May 2011


Sometimes I write because I've been asked to. Sometimes I write because I've been forced to. Sometimes I write becaue I've been requested to.
Sometimes I write to prove a point.
And,sometimes I write beacause my heart tells me to.
This is one of them. Genuine, straight from the heart.
To whoever reads this, I thank you for spending your time over this but I can promise you that its going to be worth your time!
Whoever is close enough to me will definitely know Juno, Tyson and Kaizer. Those not in the know, they are a very important part of my life. Do not call them dogs! Not in front of me please, atleast if you dont want a disfigured face. Only kidding. Actually, maybe not.
Before I begin, just a little something.Since I would always miss my dogs in Bombay, I thought for SIP I would take up something that concerned dogs. ( Those not from Xaviers, Mumbai- SIP is part of the college curriculum. It basically aims at making you more socially conscious. You have to choose an organisation that you would like to work with, et al) I, along with some other friends joined "The Welfare for Stray Dogs" and were quite happy with the whole thing. Did I mention happy? Oh but thats like taboo in my life so here comes the bad news.Courtesy St. Xaviers, Mumbai and the brilliant SIP department that it presumably has, we are debarred from doing social service for dogs. All of a sudden, some really smart people in the department decided that all social service pertaining to animals is invalid. That statement itself was a disgrace to the name of Social Service. So, all our "Welfare for Stray Dogs" hopes went down the drain. Quite ridiculously, the SIP department believes that we should first serve humans as that is more important. I dont think that is justified even one bit. Life is Life, you cannot by any means quantify the importance of a human's life or an animals life. The thought of it buggers me to death.

Okay, sorry for going a little off topic but it was much needed. Back to Juno, Tyson and Kaizer.

In age order,

 Juno's name is stolen from a new Adidas shoe that was launched at my brother's store. The name suits him just perfectly. Juno is a labrador and spitz mix. He is now over 4 years old and he is THE MOST ARROGANT doggie you would have ever met. Believe it or no, his trainer refused to train him after a week and said that he was way too arrogant to be under anyone's control. He is very human, infact. Very. I mean it. Also, among the 3 he is the most intelligent one. He shares our food and refuses to eat what he is usually served. He has mood swings like me, if he is angry with you he will ignore you for a minimum of 4 and a half days. I am serious! To make things worse for you, he will come up till right where you are sitting and then as soon as you call him closer he will pretend like he never ever saw you... and then? well, he walks off. Yeah, he does that everytime you piss him off. Juno loves chocolates, samosas and french fries. Juno believes that everyone in our house is but his slave. Whenever his paws hurt a little from the limited walking that he does, he will come up to any one of us and then? erm, we have to massage his paw, so its like this spa sort of thing for him. One person is there to brush his coat, one to give him a bath and the other to run behind him to eat his food and the last one for his twice-a-day paw massages.

See, I was not lying about the spa thing. Here is some proof for you.

Juno, Juno, Juno, MY JUNO

 We are at his command! at any damn hour of the day. I need to mention that none of them are tied even for a single minute througout the day. No one in my house allows that. They are free to do what they want and roam about in the whole house. It is theirs, afterall. Coming back to mr.arrogant, Juno is our very own "Roadside Romeo" who runs behind all his female counterparts in the locality. He is one player, I tell you. Thanks to his roadside "ness", he has landed up with the most number of injuries.

Even though everyone in the family denies this, everyone is always partial to Juno. It might be in a small way but Juno has always been the most pampered. If I come home and hes already sleeping on my bed, I better not wake him up... instead I should find another room to take a nap in. Haha. He may be the smallest in size but he is the smartest of the lot.Thats Juno for you.
Juno is Juno. Seriously. None of his kind can replicate him. EVER.



Tyson! His name is stolen from Mike Tyson. Quite obvious. Tyson lives up to his name with his sturdy built and by the reputation of his breed. My first memory of him is both cute and funny. He was supposed to be a surprise for me the day I was returning from hostel. Everytime I would return from hostel for holidays, people at home made it a point to make the arrival special in some way or the other so this time it was Tyson. I was half an hour away from home and my mom told me that someone special was waiting at home for me. That sounds so Prince Charming is waiting sorts. No thankyou, I aint interested in love anymore. Anyhow, coming back to Tyson. So yeah, I told the driver to rush me home and I ran inside without meeting anyone. As I ran, I ignored a brown ball of fur behind me. I came out from the house dissapointed on seeing no such surprise and before I finished speaking I realised that it was no brown ball of fur. Lo and Behold! Its a cute little furry puppy. Tyson just made my day. Infact, my entire holidays. I spent 2 whole months looking after him after which I did horribly in my exams which followed immidiately after holidays. When you have such a thing as Tyson, who will not be distracted? Tyson is a German Shepherd. They look very ferocious and some even are but it all depends on how they are brought up. Even though my brother wanted Tyson to be trained as a guard dog and after all the training, all the mollycoddle at home made him into a docile little thing. We all love him this way. He is the cutest and friendliest German Shepherd in town. When Tyson was small, he would not enjoy much of cuddling. He would prefer being by himself and his toys. Sometimes at night he would cry so I would pick him up and tuck him inside my blanket and before I knew it he was sleeping like a log. From the 3, Tyson is the most huggable now

Tyson is also called the "STONE AGE GUY" and the reason being his love for stones. Now that hes all grown up and erm, mature, his focus has shifted from toys to stones. He enjoys collecting stones every morning and whoever he finds throughout the day as company, he wants them to play the usual "fetch" game. This fetch game is exclusive for Tyson because its done with stones, yes only and only stones. The reason for that? Well, you should probably ask Tyson because so far we have all been amused. Oh and yes, at a recent "Dog Show" Tyson won the award for being the most obedient dog. Tyson and Juno have the worst of ego issues but then they cant live without each other. P.S- We are now looking out for a girlfriend for him.
So, that was Tyson.



The youngest and the BRAT among the three. Kaizer's name was thought of and not stolen like the other two. His name, as most might know, means "king". With his current lifestyle and his stature, he actually quite lives up to his name. Kaizer was flown down from Calcutta and he happens to be a Great Dane. As soon as I got home after 12th boards, he was brought home. There is a little story behind this. My school, great that it is, is famous for its study packed holidays. So, the holidays are mostly study leaves. THIS was the first holiday where I had nothing to do. I had left school by then after 12th and was waiting for results. So, in the interim between exams and results, I obviously had nothing to do.I was waiting for this for the past 5 years and I wanted to utilise it to the fullest. All my well thought of plans for this holiday were ruined but I didnt mind it one bit. I had 2 months in hand and I spent it all in taking care of Kaizer. Unfortunately, when Kaizer was brought home, the weather change from Calcutta to Shillong was a little too much to handle for this tiny puppy and he fell very ill.

 The vet said that unless utmost care is taken, he would not be able to make it. I knew he would make it. I was there to sit beside him for the full day. It doesnt sound as serious as it was now but it was literally like taking care of an ill baby. It took many medicines, numerous trips to the vet, many bottles of saline and lot of caretaking but Kaizer made it. Kaizer's trainer calls me his godmother and angel because apparently I was his "life-saver". Ofcourse I take pride in that. Moving on, Kaizer is now 6 feet tall (when he stands that is).

He is the tallest and the hugest among the 3. Also, THE MOST MISCHIEVIOUS. He is famous for ripping apart brand new shoes, curtains, door mats and whatever else that is expensive and makes you want to slap him after its ripped apart. So yeah, thats Kaizer. Another thing about this brat is that he still thinks he is small in size and that he can fit in anywhere so its annoying when he weighs over 70 kilos and still makes attempts to cozy up in your lap. Haha. Only his head fits in our laps now! And Kaizer, unlike other lazy Great Dane is annoyingly hypeactive. Sometimes, the cutely weird things he does just makes me want to hug him till the end of time.

So, that was Juno, Tyson and Kaizer for you.Coming Sunday we are celebrating their "combined" birthday. Its going to be one hell of a birthday bash.Pictures should be up by Monday. Sorry for not keeping it short and crisp but when it comes to them, I just cant help the flow of words.This was much needed and long overdue. I cannot quantify the happiness they have brought in my life. This is nothing. Just a small gesture to show the world how much they mean to me.

I really wish everyone had a Juno, Tyson and Kaizer in their life.


  They make my life worth living. I mean it.

Thursday 26 May 2011


Sawadee Kha!
Where do I start? So much to write about Phuket but its a lazy Sunday and its raining so I shall cut short the entire trip and then find my way to my cozy bed. Perfect weather to sleep.Nothing as beautiful as sleep, is it?
Anyhow, me, my elder sister Amrita and my cousin Bhvana Di decided to go on an "all-girl's" trip. First Bangkok and then Phuket it was. It was supposed to be a group trip organised by Adidas. I shall not go into the details of that. Remember its a lazy Sunday and its raining? Haha. We did not want to go with the entire group because that would be a little boring so we deviated from the group and did our own thing. The group first went to Pattaya and then Bangkok. We chose Bangkok and Phuket.

So Bangkok was basically all about the shopping. My elder sisters bullied me to death. I was made to carry the stuff around the mall. Haha. Trust me, being the youngest in my family is a big, big disadvantage. Bangkok had nothing much to offer besides the shopping, spas and a few other things. *smirk*

Post Bangkok, it was Phuket-- the much awaited destination. White sand, blue-green clear waters, speed boats, jet ski, parasailing, a million islands, beaches and what not. My favourite being jet ski and snorkeling. The coral reefs and fishes we saw underwater! Holyrockamoly! I cannot begin to describe how mesmerising it was. And yes, no shopping here which meant no bullying for me. Phuket were the lazy, beach side days and night meant partying. My elder sisters have stamina to be out partying till 5 am. Unfortunately, I get bored easily so I would usually be back to the hotel by 3-ish. Our hotel was near Patong... for those who know how Patong is, its crazy. It's this entire stretch of clubs, bars which open at 12-ish and shut by 6 am. Everything is alive post midnight and till then you can hardly see people around. Besides all of this, I also visited Siam Ocean World by myself. Siam Ocean World was totally worth the 900 baht. I saw the choicest and prettiest of fishes and different varities of sharks and penguins too. Ive always wanted to see penguins!! It was an experience that will be etched in my memory for quite sometime now.

Oh, I must mention that the people there are very rude and sometimes they refuse to entertain you just because you are an Indian. We had so many arguments and just because we were girls so many people harassed us there but then we were not the sorts to keep quiet and listen. haha.
At the end of the 7 day trip, we were so tired and we were literally dying to get back. Home is home afterall. Stoped by at Calcutta and from there I came back to Shillong and both my sisters went back to Mumbai.
What a trip it was! Ive never had so much fun in my entire life. All the time we were out in the city, we've had an amazing time and whenever we were back in the hotel room we spent our time laughing over what happened in the day and made random jokes about the way thai people spoke... they have a funny, nasal tone that cracked us up many a times. 

 Planning another one to Koh-Samui and Bali soon. Anyone wants to come along? :P

P.S- Here are some pictures of the trip that was. Most of the pictures are taken from my phone so pardon the poor quality.

Details of the trip soon, cozy bed calling now. Ciao.

Phi Phi Islands

Again, Phi Phi Islands

Thats me :D

Elder sister, Amrita Mordani

Cousin sister, Bhavna Mordani. A mother of two. Looks like? HELL NO!

Love the colour of the water

Where I could prolly spend a lifetime

Heavenly Thai Spa's

Crazy Party at The Tiger, Patong. This happens to be the best club in Phuket.

Setting Sun

Thai Spa Room's

At Patong beach :D

The POOL where we spent hours chilling

Yours truly and sister at the pool. Good times =)